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Resources for teachers and tutors alike.
Teacher to Tutor Toolkit

Teacher to Tutor Toolkit

The Teacher to Tutor Toolkit was created by me! As an ex-teacher who left the profession and started her own tutoring business, I regularly had/have questions about to do the initial stages of setting up a business. Thus was born this toolkit, featuring all the advice, tips and tricks I could put together in one document! Included in the toolkit are eleven pages, plus a blank tutoring contract which is worth its weight in GOLD! When you have purchased, be sure to drop me an email at katehepplewhitetutoring@hotmail.com, so I can firstly say a big thank you, but also to send you the link to my YouTube video tutorial, all about setting up your own Facebook business page!
Teacher to Tutor Toolkit - 11+ Version

Teacher to Tutor Toolkit - 11+ Version

Are you looking to tutor the 11+ examinations but not sure where to start? This toolkit sets out all you need to know to initially start tutoring this popular area! An easy-to-follow PDF document to peruse at your leisure. If you’re just starting out as a tutor, why not take a look at my Teacher to Tutor toolkit also available on my store? It sets out all the steps you can take to get your tutoring business up and running!